time to sign off

Have you ever had an affair with food, Reader?


I had a lustful affair with food in my 20s and 30s - especially during the holidays.

My relationship with food was fraught with rules and conditions. My healthy eating habits were more about not eating and less about health

During the holidays, I gave myself seasonal permission to eat chocolate, baked goods, and other foods that were off-limits for the rest of the year.

From Thanksgiving to New Year's, I'd sneak holiday foods, binge on them, then hate myself for it.

It was like a lustful love affair of intense pleasure followed by guilt and shame.

I told myself it was all good. I knew I'd get back on track in January. Never eat those foods again - at least for another 11 months.

How do you get out of the seasonal diet cycle with food?

When you spend 11 months following food rules, and then let yourself taste one of your off-limits foods (i.e. pie at Thanksgiving), the pleasure center of your brain goes haywire in the "where have you been all my life" sort of way.

You enter into a relationship with the food similar to a new romance, wanting to be with each other 24/7.

The attraction can be stronger if your reputation as a healthy eater is on the line.

What if people find out about your seasonal romance? You feel like you're getting away with something when you sneak-eat holiday sweets.

This is a seasonal version of the diet cycle = retrained eating for 11 months - triggering event, the holidays - a taste of foods you didn't allow yourself to eat all year - turns into fuckit eating - feel guilty - make a plan to get back on track with new food rules (aka New Year's diet/lifestyle resolutions).

How do you stop seasonal fuckit eating?

With full unconditional permission and a variety of nutrient AND pleasure-dense foods.

video preview​


What's your favorite holiday food, Reader?

Hit reply, I'd love to know!


As we wrap up 2024, I want to say thank you for allowing me to take up space in your inbox each week 😎


Until we catch up again the first week of January, I wish you a delicious holiday season savoring food and your body!





PS: How do you get out of the holiday diet cycle? With full unconditional permission and a variety of nutrient AND pleasure-dense foods. Watch this video for my top 2 tips to stop fuckit eating during the holidays, vacations, or any special occasions during the year.

Alpine Nutrition

Hi, I'm Amanda! I help active women 40+ create a healthy relationship with food and their body through intuitive eating, mindfulness, and gentle nutrition. Learn to undiet your life with the latest Savor Food and Body Podcast episodes, blog posts, and free downloads at www.alpinenutrition.org

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